Gaebul, scientifically known as Urechis unicinctus, is a marine worm that inhabits the coastal waters of Korea, Japan, and China. It’s long, cylindrical, and has an uncanny resemblance to a certain male anatomy, which has earned it the colloquial name “penis fish.” But don’t let its appearance deter you; there’s more to Gaebul than meets the eye. The texture is soft and slightly chewy, and it’s best enjoyed when sliced into thin strips. It’s often served with dipping sauces, such as soy sauce and vinegar or gochujang, to enhance the overall taste. So, what does Gaebul taste like? Well, it’s a taste that’s challenging to describe accurately. I would say it’s like a mix between clams and octopus, with a slightly briny, oceanic flavor. It’s surprisingly delicious!