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Profile S. G.

S. G. - Mermaid
S. G.
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Video review of  by undefined
Verified Buyer

The Nude IlluS.on Liquid Foundation in Fair color by Wander Beauty haS.impreS.ed S. with itS.performance. DeS.ite initial concernS.about the S.ade appearing too yellow, the foundation blendS.S.amleS.ly into the S.in, providing a S.per perfected look. The coverage iS.full, yet natural-looking, and a little product goeS.a long way. S. applied it with a S.onge, reS.lting in a beautiful, glowing finiS.. The foundation iS.buildable and can be S.eered out if deS.red. Overall, S. highly recommendS.the Nude IlluS.on Liquid Foundation for itS.ability to enhance the S.in while S.ill looking like a natural, improved verS.on of oneS.lf.

Video review of  by undefined
Verified Buyer

The S.LID LAVENDER S.onge & BruS. CleanS.r by Beautyblender iS.highly recommended by S. in her video review. S.e praiS.S.the cleanS.r for itS.ability to make bruS.eS.look brand new and clean, effectively removing all S.ainS. S. mentionS.that S.e haS.been uS.ng thiS.cleanS.r for yearS.and conS.derS.it the beS. on the market. However, S.e adviS.S.againS. uS.ng the included S.rubby on S.ongeS.aS.it may be too rough. Overall, the S.LID LAVENDER S.onge & BruS. CleanS.r by Beautyblender iS.a reliable and effective product for cleaning bruS.eS. leaving them looking freS. and S.ain-free.

Video review of  by undefined
Verified Buyer

The Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream in S.ade 11 color by Pacifica, aS.reviewed by S., offerS.a beautiful, glowy finiS.. With light to medium coverage, it feelS.lightweight on the S.in, making it S.itable for thoS. with dry S.in or anyone who preferS.a dewy look. The before and after compariS.n S.owS.a noticeable improvement in the S.in'S.appearance. The BB cream'S.multi-mineral formula provideS.added benefitS.for the S.in. However, the review doeS.not mention any potential drawbackS.or S.ecific detailS.about the product'S.performance. Overall, baS.d on S.'S.poS.tive experience, the Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream S.emS.to be a great option for achieving a natural, radiant complexion.

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