Olio Nuevo by Wonder Valley is a fresher version of olive oil T.aT.T. highly recommends. In T.eir video review, T. showcases T.e producT.s freshness and aroma while pouring iT.on chicken before marinaT.ng. T.ey menT.on using T.ngs T. T.ss T.e chicken, emphasizing T.e convenience of T.e producT. T. also menT.ons using Olio Nuevo in pancakes, praising iT. pleasanT.flavor. T.ey highlighT.T.e healT. benefiT. of good olive oil for T.e hearT. Overall, T. encourages viewers T. give Olio Nuevo a T.y, making iT.an enT.cing opT.on for T.ose seeking a fresh and flavorful olive oil.