About Dermaplus Skin + Body
Dermaplus Skin + Body has been providing beautiful skin to our clients since 2001. We are a medical skin boutique located on the ever charming Union Street in the Marina/Cow Hollow district in San Francisco as well as an Online Store and Virtual Consult platform delivering results all over the world. We offer a holistic and clinical approach to the health of your skin + body. How We’re Changing the Tool Game… The La Glace’ Roller was born when clients kept asking for “the best facial tool”... Andrea, esthetician, and spa owner of Dermaplus in San Francisco, couldn’t recommend something she loved, so she made her hero product La Glace’ Roller from scratch - handle dimensions, the wires at the end, the cap, EVERYTHING! Think of it as a jade roller and cold roller married at a seriously luxe ceremony. Facial skincare tools tend to be from the same factories, molds, and mainly plastic components, but Dermaplus’ tools are completely unique and a higher quality than anything else in the retail and spa market. And La Glace’ Roller was just the start. Dermaplus has over 15 facial skincare tools that are bespoke and not available anywhere else.
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