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Say Goodbye to Bruises With This Valuable Guide

Sep 13, 2022
Sep 13, 2022

Bruises bother the best of us, especially a bad bruise that never seems to disappear. And while bruises heal on their own, it's understandable to want to quicken the process. Luckily, you can speed up the healing process with a few home remedies for bruises. This guide will outline how to get rid of bruises so you can enjoy pain-free skin.

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What causes bruises?

What happens when you get a bruise? Bruises are purple and blue marks that appear when you sustain a physical injury. A bruise is caused when small blood vessels under your skin break. 

As for what causes bruises, it could be anything. Small bruises are no cause for concern, as they occur when your skin takes a hit, like when you run into something. The harder the impact, the bigger and deeper the bruise. Some people are more prone to bruising than others due to genetics, age, iron deficiencies, and more. 

Bruises are very common — most people get minor ones throughout their day without even noticing. While minor bruises shouldn’t cause significant pain, excessive bruising could be a sign of an underlying cause, like blood clotting issues or vitamin deficiencies. 

Bruises often go through several stages before disappearing. First, they appear red or purple. In time, they slowly become darker. Eventually, your bruise may turn a yellow or green shade as it continues to heal.

How to heal a bruise

You can’t make a bruise disappear instantly, but you can help speed up the process. The following tips are a great place to start.

Ice or a cold compress

If you’re experiencing tenderness or swelling, take an ice pack and place it on the bruise for 20 minutes. Wrap the ice pack in a towel before placing it on the affected area. This can help soothe tenderness and reduce swelling that often occurs in the first several days. You may be wondering: Does ice help bruising after 48 hours? Ice is best used in the first two days of your bruise, but after that, switching to heat will help.


If your bruise is swelling, wrap an elastic bandage around it to create a compression wrap. The wrap shouldn't feel too tight, just comfortably snug.

Elevate the area

Keep the bruised area elevated as much as you can. Try to keep the area raised above your heart if possible, but any form of elevation can help.

Apply heat

Applying a warm compress increases blood flow to help heal your injuries. If you have a heating pad, apply it to your bruise two days after you sustain the injury. If you don’t have one, make a warm compress by running a washcloth under hot water and wrapping it around the injured area. The water should be comfortably warm — make sure you don’t burn yourself. 

Apply ointment

Bruising cream is an easy-to-use product that helps bruises heal. A 2009 study found that users who applied vitamin K cream topically after a cosmetic procedure saw quicker bruising resolution. Applying a topical cream to the bruised area is also ideal compared to taking a supplement for those on blood thinners.


A healthy diet is key for helping your body heal. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, known for its anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the inflammation of your bruise. Vitamin C is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Take this as a supplement while your bruise is healing.

How to cover a bruise with makeup

While bruises aren’t permanent and are nothing to be embarrassed about, sometimes, emergency coverage is necessary. Here’s how you can quickly cover a bruise: First, apply a full coverage concealer to the bruised area. We recommend the Too Faced Born This Way Natural Finish Foundation for its flawless coverage. Then, apply a color corrector in a yellow hue to balance the purple and blue discoloration (we love the PUR 4-in-1 Primer Dark Spot Corrector). Finally, take your favorite full-coverage concealer and apply it to the bruise.

Give it time

A bruise will heal over time, and these home remedies won’t work miracles, but they may help speed up the healing process. If you’re truly concerned about a bruise, consult your doctor to ensure it’s not a serious injury or symptom of an underlying cause. If you notice unusual bruising, a doctor's appointment can’t hurt.

Otherwise, with a little patience, you’ll forget the bruise was ever there.


How do you make bruises go away ASAP?

Bruises take time to heal, and there’s no way to make a bruise disappear immediately. Take time to rest your body and care for your injury. Your bruise will heal in time.

How do you get rid of a bruise in 24 hours?’

Bruises typically take longer than 24 hours to heal, so while you can ease inflammation, if you want a bruise gone in 24 hours, we recommend applying your favorite foundation and concealer to the area. Bruises can be covered with makeup, and if you alleviate the pain and inflammation with heat or ice, you’ll probably forget all about the bruise.

How long does it take for a bruise to go away?

Most bruises heal within two weeks of the initial injury. If your bruise takes longer, consult a doctor, as it could signify a more serious injury.

If you need some concealer to cover up a nasty bruise before your next big event, check out real reviews from real customers on Flip. You can find a creator with a similar skin tone to yours to see just how full that coverage is.

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